

发布时间: 2024-05-08 03:34:30北京青年报社官方账号





As the industry is typically data-driven, stronger data governance gives a strong boost to lenders' efficiency and competitiveness, said Pan Guangwei, vice president of the China Banking Association (CBA), during a digital banking forum in south China's Shenzhen.


As with much in retail innovation these days, Amazon is driving the trend. The Seattle-based tech giant made headlines this year when it publicly opened up the first Amazon Go, a “grab-and-go” cashier-less store that lets customers?take items off the shelf and walk out without going through a traditional checkout line or register. The experience is powered by a smartphone and an array of cameras and sensors. Amazon is already opening up more stores in Seattle and across the U.S.


As the heating season kicks off in Henan province, the number of people using electricity and gas to keep their homes warm has risen this winter.


As per the report, the wage gap between men and women mainly depended on occupation, industry and work experience. For example, men were more involved in well-paid jobs, such as technology, selling and engineering, while women held posts in administration, operation and marketing, which are more stable, but less paid, it said.


As the data showed in the ranking list, the nine leading smartphone suppliers based in China shipped 626 million smartphones in 2017, an 11 percent increase from the 565 million smartphones that these nine companies shipped in 2016. And the total share of the top nine Chinese smartphone suppliers reached 42 percent in the global smartphone market in 2017, up from the 38 percent share in 2016 and 34 percent in 2015.


